Journal publications
"Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras", Advances in Mathematics (2025), Volume 462, (for arXiv version, see arXiv:2404.02253).
"A functor for constructing R-matrices in the category O of Borel quantum loop algebras", Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2023), Volume 109, Issue 1, (for arXiv version, see arXiv:2301.10686v2).
"Spin chains as modules over the affine Temperley—Lieb algebras" (joint with Yvan Saint-Aubin), Algebr Represent Theor (2022), (for arXiv version, see arXiv:2205.02649v3).
arXiv preprints
"Quiver and relations for blocks of Temperley—Lieb algebras of type B via Soergel bimodules of type Â" (joint with Alexis Leroux-Lapierre and Yvan Saint-Aubin), in preparation.
Other publications
Conference proceeding : "Introduction to cluster algebras : Definitions and first examples", Oberwolfach report of the Cluster algebras arbeitsgemeinschaft (2023), pp. 5 – 8 ,
PhD thesis : "Quantum affine algebras and related algebras" (2024), see here.
Master's thesis : "La structure des représentations des algèbres de Temperley-Lieb affines sur la chaîne de spins XXZ" (2020), see here.
Forthcoming talks
All dates in format (DD/MM/YYYY)
IMJ-PRG = Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG), site Sophie Germain, Université Paris Cité
18/03/2025 : Categorification and quantisation in cluster theory and beyond, Caen algebra days
03/04/2025 : GPRT seminar, Northeastern University
05/04/2025 : Recent advances on categorification and quantum groups, AMS Sectional Meeting, Hartford, CT
11/04/2025 : Séminaire du LACIM, Université du Québec à Montréal.
25/04/2025 : Representation theory seminar, Columbus University (Ohio)
I am co-organising (with Alexis Leroux-Lapierre) a weekly research/learning group at LACIM (UQaM) about monoidal categorifications of cluster algebras. You can find the meeting log here.
Recent presentations
All dates in format (DD/MM/YYYY)
CRM = Centre de recherches mathématiques de Montréal
IMJ-PRG = Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG), site Sophie Germain, Université Paris Cité
15/10/2024 : "Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras" at the Mathematical Physics seminar of Purdue University
03/10/2024 : "Inflations et algèbres affines quantiques décalées" at IMJ-PRG's Groups, Representations and Geometry seminar
24/06/2024 : "Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras" at the Paris Algebra seminar (IMJ-PRG)
07/06/2024 : "Inflations pour les représentations des algèbres affines quantiques décalées" at the Topology seminar of Laboratoire Paul Painlevé
02/06/2024 : "Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras" for the session Representation theory and geometry of quantum algebras of the 2024 CMS Summer Meeting
26/05/2024 : "Algèbres à lacets quantiques, R-matrices et catégories O" at UQAM for the XXVIth ISM Graduate Student Colloquium (as the recipient of the 2024 Carl-Herz prize)
11/03/2024 : "Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras" at Universität Bonn's Oberseminar Mathematische Physik
02/12/2023 : "Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras" for the session Cluster algebras in representation theory of the 2023 CMS Winter Meeting
17/11/2023 : "Categorifying a cluster algebra isomorphism of Hernandez--Leclerc" for the conference Algebraic and combinatorial methods in representation theory at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, India
09/10/2023 : "Introduction to cluster algebras" for the Cluster algebras arbeitsgemeinschaft at MFO Oberwolfach
27/06/2023 : "R-matrices in the category O of Borel quantum loop algebras" for the conference Théorie des représentations in Lyon
09/05/2023 : "R-matrices in the category O of Borel quantum loop algebras" at University of California Riverside's Lie Theory seminar
14/04/2023 : "R-matrices et catégories O affines quantiques" at IMJ-PRG's Groups, Representations and Geometry seminar
02/03/2023 : "Spin chains as modules over the affine Temperley-Lieb algebras" for the conference Applications of Hecke and related algebras: Representations, Integrability and Physics at École de physique des Houches
23/02/2023 : "Planar diagrams and the structure of spin chains" at IMJ-PRG's PhD seminar
06/10/2022 : "R-matrices for the category O of quantum loop algebras" for CRM's Workshop on integrable systems, exactly solvable models and algebras (video)
27/05/2022 : "Morphisms between periodic XXZ chains at roots of unity and broken Schur–Weyl duality" for CRM's Workshop on non-commutative algebras, representation theory and special functions (video)
15/02/2021 : "The structure of the representations of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebras on the periodic XXZ chain" at IPhT Saclay's Mathematical Physics seminar (video)
16/06/2020 : "Structure of representations of affine Temperley-Lieb algebras on XXZ chains" at CRM's Mathematical Physics seminar (video)